Meter Reading Application

Meter Reading Application
Power meter reading processes vary slightly depending on the customer and the type of meter. Whether you self-read your power meter and need help with meter reading or want to know more about the manual read process completed by Power, you can find everything you need to know about the meter reading process below.
Manual read carried out by our software
We will read your electricity meter either monthly or bimonthly depending on the tariff.
A meter reader will visit your premises and take the read. If it is not possible to take a read, they will leave a skipped read card explaining why and the read may be estimated.
Once the read is taken, the meter reader will upload the reading to our system, which validates your read against the site's previous history of consumption. If the reading doesn't validate, we do a re-read or substitute a reading based on estimation rules outlined in Sections of the Metrology Procedure for Metering Installations on the Power Network. We then send the validated data to your retailer overnight and your retailer bills you accordingly.
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- #39-27-19/2, Appayyanagar, Marripalem, Visakhapatnam-530018, Andhra Pradesh.
- +91 80086 12200
- +91 80086 13300